
Talking can be the heaviest weight to lift - World Suicide Prevention Day

08 September 2020

2020 has pushed us to the absolute limits! With people everywhere being affected in some way by the Covid-19 pandemic and it pretty much dominating our lives, it’s easy to forget that daily struggles go beyond the virus.

As we approach World Suicide Prevention Day this month after spending half the year coping with life amidst a global pandemic, we believe that addressing the subject of mental health is more important now than ever.

Fitness: a crutch to lean on

Life as we know it has been flipped on its head but being part of a huge network of fitness professionals definitely has its benefits; providing an escape from reality and a positive release on the worst of days.

Working out around the clock, whether you’re a trainer or a student reaps rewards you can see physically and also feel in your mindset, which helps massively with issues such as anxiety, depression and stress.

Talking is tough

Of course, exercise alone is sometimes not enough to help those going through tough times, as we are only human after all and naturally crave human connection. Having said that - in a world that still preaches the ‘man up’ mentality, talking to someone could be the hardest weight to lift.

Males in the fitness industry are particularly vulnerable to this toxic stigma around mental health and the notion that because they are physically strong and ‘ripped,’’ talking about their feelings shows weakness. It’s horrifying that suicide remains the biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK.

Help is out there

This is why It’s fantastic to see so many initiatives and personal trainers developing a support system for both mental and physical health, as it becomes increasingly more apparent that the two factors work in unison. It’s true - the body cannot be 100% healthy unless the mind is!

James Jackson from LEANonhealth in Sheffield founded his PT business 5 years ago following a traumatic struggle with his own mental health. He now coaches his clients through promoting sound well-being, for both a strong mind and body.

More than a job

For most fitness professionals, breaking into the industry is simply in pursuit of a rewarding career. However, we learnt that the fitness industry meant so much more than this to James, as he explained: “The health and fitness world saved my life, so I know it can save others too. I’m lucky to now have a career that doesn’t feel like a job and to be doing something I’m extremely passionate about.

“The gratification I get from helping clients overcome their mental and physical struggle is second to none. There is no greater feeling than seeing someone turn their life around and gaining control after seeing them at their lowest point. It’s a privilege to be a part of their journey and life.”

James’ inspiring success story is a testament to the power of fitness and how it can transform lives. At PT Academy, we can absolutely vouch for the positive impact exercise has on mental health. Talking is vital too, so don’t be afraid to reach out to those close to you or get in touch with someone at Mind, Samaritans or similar emotional support services.


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